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National Day - "23rd June"


National Pink Day :

 Every year, June 23 is celebrated as National Pink Day. It's a day to remember the significance, history, and beauty of the pale red, as you might expect.

 Pink was found to most commonly be associated with femininity, sensitivity, and tenderness in surveys conducted in Europe and the United States. The day honors everything pink, from recent pop culture references to fascinating facts about the delightful shade throughout history. 

National Pink Day's exact origins and celebrations are lost in time, just like a number of digital-age holidays. What we do know is that pink has long been a symbol of femininity, grace, and chastity when combined with white, whereas when combined with black, it brings to mind unpleasant desires.

Pink has been used in a variety of contexts, in reverse chronological order, beginning with contemporary pop culture. Steven Tyler sings, "Pink on the lips of your lover / ‘Cause pink is the love you discover..." in the Aero smith song "Pink" from the 1990's. This is an illustration of the sense of femininity and romance that the color has come to represent. However, you might be surprised to learn that pink was once considered a "stronger" color than blue and was worn by boys as infants. Before the 1940's, that is exactly the way things were.

Significantly farther back, during the 1700's, we have the main utilization of "pink" to portray light red, got from the class of blossoms called "the pinks." Pink was just a flower up until that point, and when the word was used to refer to a flower, it meant something like, "His mother is the flower of dependability," which meant that she was the shining example. In fact, Mercutio in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" has a line that says, "Nay, I am the very pinck of curtesie," which obviously means that he is the nicest guy you'll ever meet!

In the 1980's, when the mustard-yellows and browns of the 1970's finally went out of style, it became commonplace for men to own and wear a few pink dress shirts. Maybe pink business clothing was first implied as an indication of fortitude with the then-blossoming women's activist development.

Let's hear from Pink about human nature in the interest of staying current and sharp. Knowing who you are and what you want and never apologizing for them is true beauty. That's how the American singer and the color pink themselves really feel. Pink is a soft, romantic color that mostly represents femininity. Color theory says that the warmth of pink adds tenderness and care. Pink is a color that symbolizes hope and concern because it combines the ferocity of red with the tranquility of white. Pink is reputed to alleviate stress and combat hostility, neglect, and resentment.


In Western societies, pink is typically thought to be a girly color. However, this isn't always the case, and this perception is slowly changing. In Japan, men are more commonly associated with pink than women are, and in Korea, pink is a symbol of trust. Pink was shunned in China for a long time due to its Western influences, but the color is now widely accepted there.

Pinking shears are not used to alter the color of a garment; rather, they are used to embellish a hem with a zigzag pattern, which is similar to the Middle English meaning of "to pink" (or "to pierce with holes).

In the book "John Barley corn" by Jack London, an alcoholic experiences hallucinations known as "pink elephants," a term that is still frequently used in 12-step programs today.

Syd Barrett, the band's original lead singer, combined the names Pink Anderson and Floyd Council, two old-time blues musicians, to create the well-known trip-rock band Pink Floyd.

The phrase "rosy-fingered dawn" first appeared in Homer's "Odyssey" approximately 800 B.C.E. While the word "pink" has not always existed, the color has.

Carnations, love notes, and subtly hued sunrises are all welcome on National Pink Day. Hey, isn't it a holiday? We enjoy celebrating, and a glass of rosé is always a good idea. Our friends, coworkers, and peers who identify as LBGTQ ...require assistance and encouragement, particularly in light of the turbulent political environment. We are reminded on National Pink Day that it is our duty as members of American society to participate in the fight as well. Pink is pretty, from nails to dresses to hair, whether you're wearing it yourself or for someone else. It exudes a calm beauty mixed with confidence and poise.

International Olympic Day :

International Olympic Day began in 1948 and is observed annually on June 23. Every four years, the Olympics are the largest international multi-sport competition in the world. Diverse games and sports attract thousands of athletes and sportspeople from all over the world.

 The ancient Greek Olympic Games, which were held in Olympia from the eighth century B.C. to the fourth century A.D., serve as a model for the modern Summer Olympics, which began in 1896 in Athens, Greece. International Olympic Day has grown in popularity and adapted to local customs since its inception.

Dr. Josef Gruss, a Czechoslovakian member of the International Olympic Committee, gave a report in 1947 about World Olympic Day in Stockholm. The concept for Olympic Day was later approved during the 42nd I.O.C. Session in St. Moritz in January 1948. In consultation with one another, the date of June 23 was chosen to commemorate the I.O.C.'s founding in order to promote sports among young people and send a message to them.

In old Greece, to pay tribute to Zeus, the dad of every single Greek god, a strict celebration was held every year. That festival was a part of the Olympic Games. A cook from the city of Elis won a 600-foot-long foot race in 776 B.C. It was the only athletic competition at the games for the first 13 years. The Olympics began in 776 B.C. and were held every four years for approximately 12 centuries.

The day is observed to raise public awareness of the Olympic Movement and encourage an increasing number of people to participate in the Olympic Games. On that day, athletes and sportsmen from almost every nation take part in sporting events like runs, music, exhibitions, various sports, games, and educational seminars. Move, Learn, and Detect are the three pillars of the Olympics Day. The National Olympic Committee encourages everyone, regardless of gender, age, or social background, to participate. Plan a movie with your friends about your favorite sport. Alternately, you can watch any documentary about a famous sportsperson or athlete.

Despite the widespread belief that gold medals are made of gold, this is not the case. Multiple attempts have been made to launch the unlit Olympic torch into space. In ancient Greece, competing athletes ran marathons in their underwear.

 The goal of Olympic Day is to get young people to participate in more and more games and activities. Why not learn a new sport or try a new physical activity? The Olympic Games have been around since the seventh century B.C., and they have changed a lot over time. Events like games, sports, and other activities have been added.

The five rings of the Olympic Ring address one landmass of the world each. In addition, the flags of every nation in the world feature at least one of the ring colors...

National Hydration Day:

Keeping hydrated is essential to good health, but it's often neglected. When it's hot outside, it's easy to forget to bring a water bottle, but dehydration can be very bad for your health. In honor of the late football coach Victor Hawkins, who developed a unique hydrating mouth guard to keep his players healthy on the field, National Hydration Day was established. 

After Hawkins' death, the company that now sells his invention, Safe T Gard.., started celebrating the holiday to honor his legacy and encourage others to drink more water. Whether you're an expert competitor, an easygoing exerciser, or somebody who just loves to invest energy outside in the sun, drinking water is vital to staying away from heat stroke, lack of hydration, and other hazardous issues.

 If you don't drink water because you don't like the taste, celebrate National Hydration Day by adding lemon wedges, cucumber slices, strawberries, cantaloupe, mint, or other energizing fruits and vegetables to a pitcher of water. Having a tasty beverage on hand can sometimes make all the difference. 

You can even go one step further by filling special pitchers for your desk at work or grab-and-go bottles of infused water at the beginning of each week.

It's important to remind your loved ones to drink plenty of water every day, especially if they're exercising or going outside in the summer. Being reminded by a caring friend or family member can be a great way to remind people to prioritize drinking water.

Post-it notes or your phone can be used to write reminders. You can even download apps to keep track of how much water you should drink each day. If you keep these reminders in mind for some time, it's likely that they will become a habit that you'll do without even thinking about it.

You might notice that you feel much better when you are properly hydrated as opposed to when your body is dehydrated. After all, dehydration can result in symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and headaches.) It can feel like a victory to drink water more often, which may motivate you to incorporate other healthy habits into your life. The options are endless!

We are all aware of how beneficial exercise can be to our health, but exercising while dehydrated is not healthy. When you drink water, you give your body the energy and fuel it needs to get through a workout or a busy afternoon outside. You can exercise in a happy, healthy way when you drink enough water, which makes both your mind and body happy.

No matter how healthy someone may appear on the surface, heat stroke or dehydration can happen to anyone. Nobody is immune to the dangers of not drinking enough water, and symptoms can sneak up on you. The awareness of hydration serves as an important reminder that our bodies require water, no matter how young, agile, or fit we may appear to be.

National Typewriter Day:

We are observing National Typewriter Day on June 23 to honor the written word! Typewriters have a long and distinguished history in the United States and around the world. Despite the fact that they probably won't be pretty much as famous as our dependable PC buddies, they're a tomfoolery and specialty method for practicing your mind.  

Typewriters are seen as relics of the past by many. Truth be told, the first typewriter's patent was not issued until 1829. The first typewriter, as we know it today, was constructed in 1867 near Milwaukee, despite this.

Typewriters were crucial and sometimes the only way to type neatly in books, articles, and manuscripts at their peak. Despite the fact that they went out of style in the 20th century, the rise of hipster culture has brought them back into favor with young people.

Many famous writers still practice their creative processes on typewriters today. George is an example. Jhumpa Lahiri, Quintin Tarantino, and R. R. Martin are all well-known advocates of the typewriter.

The restoration of typewriters is now a niche but successful industry, despite the fact that the typewriter is well past its peak in terms of necessity and interest. Over $254,000 was paid for a light blue Olivetti Lettera 32 just recently. That is certainly worthy of praise.

It's still simple to celebrate even if you can't actually own a typewriter. Spend some time reading the book, newspaper, or magazine of your choice. If your material was originally written on a typewriter, you get an extra bonus point.

Typewriters can be found in every place, including your grandparents' attic and thrift stores. Finding one is a fun activity in and of itself. In addition, if a member of your family has one hidden away, you can use it to bond with them. 

\Last but not least, devote some time to writing. Writing can be a relaxing activity that can help you exercise your creative muscles, whether you use a typewriter, a computer, or a pencil. You could even invite a friend over to help you write a story.

You can't help but be mesmerized by the complexity of the typewriter in front of you when you use it. How exactly are these amazing books made of all those sounds and moving parts? Writing brings people together from all walks of life at its core. Imagine how many other people have become engrossed in the same written world as you are right now. 

Typewriters are a wonderful entry point into the past due to their historical nature. And if you just read to celebrate, you can easily pick up a few things from books.

United Nations Public Service Day:

United Nations Public Service Day is observed annually on June 23. It celebrates the value and virtue of public services, emphasizes the contribution of public service in the process of development, recognizes the work of public servants, and encourages young people to pursue careers in the public sector.

 In 2003, the United Nations established the UN Public Service Awards (UNPSA) program, which aims to promote and reward innovation and excellence in public services. It was then reviewed in 2016 to align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

On December 20, 2002, the General Assembly designated June 23 as United Nations Public Service Day. It encouraged the Member States to organize special events on the day highlighting the contribution of public service in the development process. 

The UNPSA was then established. This organization rewards the accomplishments and contributions of public service institutions that lead to a more effective and responsive public administration in countries worldwide. The UNPSA advertises the role, professionalism, and visibility of public service.

Public service and public servants are crucial to the community. Public service is a service provided to people in a specific jurisdiction by the government. The government itself may provide the services, or they pay a private organization to provide the services to the people. The police or fire department, for example, is a government-run agency, but trash pickup provided by an independent contractor is a public service financed by the jurisdiction.

Public servants don’t just do a job, but they want to make a difference. They put others first because they want to give back to their community. Being a public servant means working hard and being dedicated to serving citizens. Public servants work in different fields of jobs and different ministries, but they use the same values as the basis of their services. One of their values is integrity, which is important in building trust. The public’s trust in government is based on how they feel about the services provided to them by public servants.

Public service is a non-stop need for us. To celebrate the day, you may want to volunteer in public service. Maybe you have friends or family who work as public servants. It’s the best time to thank them personally for what they have been doing for the public. 

Public servants are people who want to make a difference, and who put others before themselves. After you learn about their dedication to the public you can then appreciate them more, and be more kind to them

Public services and public servants have been helping us with some of our necessities. So, the day is celebrated as an appreciation for their uncountable help to the public. United Nations Public Service Day can be a reminder that there are people who dedicate their life to other people’s needs. We can do the same, such as volunteering in the fire department. Public servants are amazing. 

International Women in Engineering Day :

Every year on June 23, the world celebrates International Women in Engineering Day to honor women in engineering. It focuses on making women who are changing engineering one degree at a time more visible. As a fitting tribute to the Women's Engineering Society (WES)'s founding anniversary on June 23, 1919, it has been recognized by UNESCO.

All over the world, International Women in Engineering Day is observed to bring attention to the incredible achievements of women who pursue engineering careers and change the world. Before the term "engineer" was coined in the 11th century, women had been designing and building crucial structures and machines for centuries. 

However, women have been largely excluded from fields like engineering. Upon the foundation of instructive organizations, most colleges didn't concede ladies until the mid 1800s. Even at that point, admission was still restricted to traditionally "female" occupations.

However, this has never stopped women from working in engineering. In 1876, Elizabeth Bragg, free by the orientation differences and separation, turned into the main female beneficiary of a science certification when she got her lone wolf's in structural designing from the College of Berkeley, preparing for huge number of ladies of the nineteenth century who took cues from her. 

We also shouldn't forget that Ada Lovelace, a woman, worked with Charles Babbage to create the first computer program.

Women's technical education did not receive serious attention until after the Second World War. Major players in the industry started quick on-the-job training programs in response to the fact that there was a shortage of technical workers. Indeed, even in the 21st 100 years, STEM keeps on being overwhelmed by men. 

Women continue to face difficulties in this industry as a result of the appalling gender gap and hiring discrimination. However, women may soon be able to close this gap and obtain "high-paying engineering jobs" like men if they maintain their determination and passion.

There are numerous everyday items that were created by women: the lift raft, the dishwasher, the paper bag, and even chocolate cookies. Spend the day learning about all the fantastic utility items that were the ideas of fantastic female engineers

. This is the ideal day to support them. Because it's all about praising women for their often-unnoticed accomplishments, they don't have to be in an engineering-related field. Fight for equal pay is the best way to celebrate women engineers. Abhorrent discrimination against women in the field and the gender pay gap persist.

 Women can establish themselves as equal competitors in the engineering industry by speaking out against the negative effects of lower pay. Engineering is an exciting career choice with endless growth opportunities.

 The rosy ideas of becoming a doctor or a pilot continue to overshadow such a realistic career path. On June 23, we encourage young women to investigate engineering and make a name for themselves in this exciting and difficult field.

Numerous pioneering female engineers are underappreciated. On Women in Engineering Day, we honor pioneers like Kimberly Bryant, who established Black Girls Code, a non-profit that provides young African-American girls with free coding instruction, and numerous other leaders who have made significant contributions to the engineering field.

Women in Engineering Day is a celebration of International Women in Engineering Day, which was established to encourage women to pursue unconventional STEM careers. Women engineers can talk about their experiences working in a technical field and the difficulties they face navigating a male-dominated field on this day.


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